Snowden - Cinematic Sequence
Mill+ collaborated with Academy Award-winning writer and director Oliver Stone to create the animation sequence for a pivotal scene in ‘Snowden’, Stone’s latest feature film revealing the incredible story of NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden.

Every time we send a photo, tweet or text we’re feeding the monster - a beast thats growing every minute. It’s our information, our digital DNA that has become it’s prey & it’s just been discovered.

The sequence was to act as the ‘pin drop’ moment - the point in the film where the audience discovers along with Snowden the full weight of the NSA’s breach of privacy.

We were initially Inspired by the similarities between biological forms and data - visually and practically, both using highly complex networks that grow and multiply to serve a larger purpose.

With extensive schedule for R&D, design and CG teams were allowed ample time to develop new techniques some of which made it in to the final sequence - ultimately adding up to over seventy versions.

No matter if you agree with Snowden’s actions or not - the film has become a successful tool for discussing the complexities of his actions and how they effect all Americans moving forward.

Production Company: Open Road Films
Director: Oliver Stone
Producers: Moritz Borman, Eric Kopeloff
Director of Photography: Anthony Dod Mantle